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Does a Frenectomy hurt?

A labial frenectomy (lip tie) is typically a quick and relative pain-free treatment at Frenectomy Mississauga. That doesn’t mean it’s without discomfort. However, it is done in one visit while you wait. In order to make the appointment the easiest and...

Does OHIP cover tongue tie?

Typically, tongue tie surgery is done at the dental office like ours Frenectomy Mississauga which is paid from your insurance or your pocket (financing is available for bigger treatments). That means that OHIP wouldn’t cover the cost of this treatment. ...

Is a frenectomy covered by insurance?

Whether the procedures are covered by insurance depends on what provider you have and what plan you have.  For some, dental insurance can be complicated and each year it changes. It might change due to employer making changes to the plan, you making changes to...

Can a dentist perform a frenectomy?

The answer is yes, but only some general practitioners, Frenectomy Mississauga and specialists (usually pediatric dentists) can perform frenectomies.  Even fewer are dentists that are able to treat babies to allow for better latching and breast feeding. Clinics...

How much does a frenectomy cost in Ontario?

A frenectomy (also know as a frenulectomy) can have a range of costs that you have to pay out of pocket depending on a few factors. The first factor is your insurance plan. Depending on what plan you are on and who your insurance provider is, will change what you pay...