Whether you are looking to fill the missing tooth in your mouth or you want an immediate tooth replacement for an extraction you are having, the surgery for a dental implants in Mississauga can take 1-2 hours and then you can go home. It’s a relatively quick and painless treatment. But that’s just the beginning.
If you want to know how long the whole tooth replacement process is from start to finish, it can take from 4-6 weeks up to 5-8 months for complicated situations. Remember you are getting new teeth!
Let’s look at why it absolutely has to take that long and breakdown the timeline of events:
- Initial consultation
Once you setup your initial consultation, the dentist exams your teeth, jaw bone density, takes some x-rays and then you sit down and discuss your health and options. This consultation doesn’t take very long, maybe 1 hour total, but it is vital as a preparation for implant treatment. Every patient has a different situation for their oral health, their jawbone, their age, for their level of dental anxiety and their finances. All of these are considered by you the patient and by the dental team for the best implant solution. https://www.peeldentist.com/posts/what-is-the-best-age-for-dental-implants/
- Implant treatment
For a non-complicated implant procedure, and if an extraction is needed first, dental implants can be done in a day. The dentist will simply extract the broken, rotten tooth and just insert the implant. However, that’s just the implant.
The whole surgical implant procedure can take 1-2 hours per implant. A temporary crown is placed on the implant and you can go home. Make sure to get someone to help you get home.
For complicated implant procedures where a bone graft or sinus lift is needed, the dentist will also add in the bone graft to your jaw first, then insert the implant. You will then have to come back after 3-6 months of healing before an implant can be inserted.
- Recovery Time
The recovery time is the longest wait. Actual surgical healing doesn’t take long, maybe a few days to a week. However, what we are looking for here is for the dental implant to fuse into your jawbone, a process called osseointegration. This is where your jawbone grows around and connects to the titanium root of the implant forming a tight hold and making it secure, like your natural teeth but without the nerves.
Actual recovery time depends on your age, overall health and other factors, so it can range from 4-6 weeks to up to 5-8 months.
- Dental crown fitting
After waiting a few weeks, your implant has now fused to your jaw bone and the dentist will have you back in for your natural looking dental crown fitting.
The dental team first fits a device called an abutment. This is the bridge between the implant and the crown and functions as a connection and shock absorber. After the abutment is inserted, the crown is cemented into place.
Now you can walk away with a smile on your face and the confidence you have a high tech, durable, long lasting, natural looking replacement tooth!