Is a Root Canal Painful
Root canal therapy is a procedure done to salvage a tooth that has become extremely damaged or diseased and it’s usually done when the tooth has been determined to be saved vs. a full extraction.
Some people fear the possibility of the treatment more than the procedure itself and that is because they are worried about pain and what will happen. Fear of the unknown is the saying. That’s why we make sure to ensure relaxation and care of anyone that is nervous about root canal Mississauga.
That fear however, is usually confined to the first time! In fact, most individuals say the procedure is no more unpleasant than getting a filling. If they have had multiple root canals, they know what to expect and are less stressed about it.
What is painful though, is the time before the treatment. Some people have had pain so severe, they couldn’t sleep at night. At that point, they were demanding a root canal to ease them of pain and prevent it from becoming worse. Modern dentistry has a host of technology, medication and protocols to minimize or eliminate pain and discomfort during the procedure.
After the root canal, you may have slight discomfort and sensitivity when the anesthesia wears off. That is temporary and any sensitivity or discomfort experienced after a root canal should subside within a few days. A good dental office will follow up with you and make sure you are healthy. Over the coming days and weeks, make sure to keep the area clean and to report immediately any lingering pain.
How and when you seal the treated tooth afterwards is very important. The tooth needs to be sealed by a filling or crown afterwards to prevent further infection and to make the tooth look and act like your normal teeth. Crowns, while more expensive than fillings may offer greater protection long term in some circumstances due to the durableness of the structure. The dentist will offer you the option if either one works or just recommend the crown if there are complicated factors such as advanced age or how the tooth structure can be fixed. The sooner this seal is done, the better to prevent any further bacteria from getting into the tooth. Remember, that the canals (and nerves) were cleaned out during the treatment and so you may not feel any future infection right away.