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Special New Patient Internet Implant Offer - Expires Today (Friday, January 24th, 2025) at 5:59pm

To qualify for "fit your budget" payment plans,
please fill out this form now then call us at 905-267-4022

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Looking for Implants? You’ve come to the right place!

What you are looking for exactly? Please take a minute to fill out this questionnaire and then hit submit (no one will contact you if you don’t want)

    What is your current situation?
    (Check all that apply)

    In pain or other discomfort?Have denturesNo dentures - Just have missing teeth or have a bridgeAlready have a dentistWant a payment plan?Want free consultation?

    Why do you want implants?

    Natural looking permanent teethAble to eat normal foodsAvoid future bone lossAvoid embarrassing denture problems

    What is preventing you from getting implants? (Check all that apply)

    Fear: if so, about what? (respond below)

    Not enough information: If so, what info do you need?

    Cost: what CAN you afford per month (respond below)

    Can you briefly describe your specific situation and what you would like to do/know.

    If you want us to contact you, please leave your name and email or number. Thank you!


    Turn up your speakers and hit play to hear Dr. Bobby Brown reveal the secrets of teeth implants:


    Frequently Asked Questions About Teeth Implants

    What Are Dental Implants?

    A dental implant is an artificial but natural looking tooth replacement for dentures, bridges, badly broken, decayed or missing teeth.

    Implants have been around over 1,000 years.  The ancient Mayans had tooth shaped pieces of shell placed into the spots where they lost any teeth.

    Current root form implants have been used for the last 40 years with 95% success rate.

    In fact, some patients have had dental implants for more than 40 years. Hundreds of thousands of dental implants have been inserted with more than a 95% success rate. All other metal implants in the body (including hips and knees) are the result of the dental implant technology.

    Who Needs Them?

    Shown above, the natural look and feel of implants to restore smiles and prevent future problems.

    If you have badly broken, decayed, missing teeth or if you have dentures.

    What is the Benefit to You?

    – You will be able to eat virtually any food with ease, comfort, and confidence.
    – You will notice an improvement in your appearance, and possibly, in your speech.
    – Many patients find these improvements enhance their self-image and self-confidence.
    – Mimics the natural way your teeth are supposed to be: one tooth held in place by a root.  In this case its a tooth held in by a post.
    – Implants carry a success rate of around 95% (The effectiveness of immediate, early, and conventional loading of dental implants: a Cochrane systematic review of randomized controlled clinical trials. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2007 Nov-Dec;22(6):893-904.)
    – Replaces dentures, rotten or missing teeth with natural, colour matched identical teeth.
    – Prevents bone loss by providing a supporting structure within your jaw (like your other teeth)
    – Easy to clean
    – Natural looking
    – Much stronger than other alternatives

    Eat the foods you used to and get your smile back

    How Long do They Last?

    They can last up to 20 – 25 years. In some cases 40 years depending on how well you take care of it.  Other factors that may reduce their life is: grinding, smoking and not keeping your mouth healthy.

    Are There any Side Effects

    The side effects of the implant are generally mild and short lasting. A little discomfort and that is all. Also the metal we use in the implant is titanium. This ultra strong metal promotes healthy bone growth around it with minimal side effects.  The top part, or crown, will look like your natural tooth and there is no side effects from that.

    Do They Feel Like Your Own Teeth?

    Yes.  They are designed to look and feel like your natural teeth – so smile!

    Do they Require Extra Care?

    No they do not.  You should treat them like you treat your other teeth.

    Does Insurance Cover Them?

    Depending on your policy, insurance may cover some or all of the procedure.  And we do take electronic insurance and your company health card.

    How Much do they Cost?

    Without your consultation, it’s difficult to given an exact quote.  And your insurance may cover the whole thing (yes, we take electronic insurance and company health cards) but in case there are any fees you have to pay, we can offer you low “fit your budget” monthly payment plans at 0% interest.

    But we can estimate the following if your insurance does not cover the implant at all (per implant):

    As low as $300 a month, that is less than $7 dollars a day to fix your smile (over the lifetime of the implant)

    Just think about how good you will feel!

    What will Happen and How Long will it Take?

    Implant stages:

    1. Obtain your free consultation with us or request information kit.
    2. We will examine you and take x-rays to determine the best course of action.
    3. We will send you to a specialist to have the implants put in
    4. When you come back we will take off the healing caps, take x-rays, impressions then send it to the lab.
    5. Then we will place the crown.

    6. Then smile with your new, natural teeth!

    The whole process is about 6 months start to finish, with just a few appointments.

    Is it Painful?

    There may be some minor discomfort and there is a good chance you will be able to work within a day of surgery. We will also provide you with medication and antibiotics to ease any discomfort you have.

    Also, if you fear coming to the dentist, you are not alone. Whatever your fear about coming to see us, let us know. There are a few things you can do to help yourself, along with the things we will do to make you feel comfortable.

    What We do:
    – Provide laughing gas in addition to anesthetics
    – Walk you through all procedures so you know what’s happening
    – Friendly and happy atmosphere
    – Watch TV and listen to the radio
    – And many more…

    What you can do:
    -Avoid taking any caffeine before your appointment. The last thing you need is to start getting jittery just as you’re sliding into the chair.
    -Put up your hand at any time, if you feel discomfort.
    -Bring an MP3 Player or iPod and headphones with your favorite music.
    -Use deep breathing exercises and visualization techniques to picture yourself relaxed.

    What are the alternatives to Implants?

    We will go over all your choices based on your free consultation.

    Bridges: A bridge is a dental device that is used to fill a space where a tooth has been removed. A bridge may be necessary where spaces exist in the mouth to prevent.


    – Existing healthy teeth need to be filed down to their core – a permanent change – to provide posts for the bridge.  The outside of the teeth (enamel) on those teeth can never be repaired.
    – Maintaining healthy gums underneath the bridge is difficult.  This may lead to gum disease and permanent loss of your original “post teeth”
    – May accelerate your costs over time if they are not maintained impeccably.
    – Having a bridge places considerable stress on those “post” teeth. This could lead to early tooth loss.

    – In the short run may be cheaper than implants.
    – Colour matched and can be natural looking.
    – Can be done in less than 1 month time



    – Dentures prevent your jaw from maintaining its natural state and bone loss may occur.  In dentistry this is called resorption.
    – They can be loose and fall out.
    – Pain to take out and put in.
    – Loose-fitting dentures make it difficult to bite or chew properly. As a result, the range of food a person can comfortably eat becomes limited. In some cases, this limitation is sufficient to impact nutrition.
    – Loose-fitting dentures often rub the underlying gums, causing persistent soreness.
    – Speech may be impaired.
    – Appearance is negatively impacted.
    – A gag reflex could be induced.
    – Self-image is affected.


    – cheapest solution

    What is the Implant Made of?

    The post that mimics your tooth root, is made of Titanium.  This ultra strong metal promotes healthy bone growth around it with minimal side effects.  The top of the implant , or crown material may differ.