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9 Secrets for Raising a Cavity Free Family:
Before choosing a dentist for your family, read this…
If you have children, and you are looking for a dentist for children, you know that introducing them to new things can be fun, challenging, exciting, frustrating, and so much more all at the same time!
Dr. Bobby Brown, general dentist, has been caring for families like yours for over 31 years. All the staff at Bobby Brown and Associates are friendly, respectful, and really enjoy what they do.
Back when I was a kid, a lot of my friends grew up almost expecting to have cavities when they went to the dentist. Having the doctor pry, poke, and drill for an hour or so was normal.
However, that is not the case anymore! Times have changed!
Today, in our society, there are a couple of benefits our children have, that we didn’t have when we were younger. For example, one of the great benefits is that children today are growing up with fluoride in the water. People are becoming more aware of hygiene; parents are becoming more aware that they need to bring their children to the dentist. Especially before they’re in pain.
I made this simple report to give you a couple quick, helpful tips that you can use to help your child grow up with healthy teeth, and prevent as many dental problems as possible. Small acts here and there, and regular visits can prevent all sorts of extremely costly and painful surgeries later in their life. They will thank you will they are older and have beautiful, healthy, pearly white teeth.
When is the earliest a parent should start bringing their kids to the dentist?
Most dental books say when your child is beginning to have teeth, but that usually doesn’t work out so well. Try to get a 1- 2 year old to listen to you, yeah right! What I usually do is, say to the parents who come to me is “When the child’s three year’s old, bring them in with you. I’ll sit them in the chair, ride them up and down and see how much we can do. If they let us look in their mouth and count their teeth, we will! If they let us polish their teeth, we will!”
A lot of times we just put them in the chair, shine the light and show them everything and then they go home and they come back with you again in six months when you need your cleaning and we do a little bit more. So that way when they leave it’s not a negative thing, but they think, “Hey, this doctor’s pretty cool”.
So they go home and it was fine and they come back again and they’re familiar with it and they actually enjoy going. My philosophy is, teach the children to enjoy being at the dentist, then if they need something done, I can refer them to a pediatric dentist. But if I could look in their mouth, and if they’re three there’s really not going to be much going on in there, but if I can look in their mouth and see there’s nothing major , well then just come back in six months, you know we’ll give them their toothbrush then everything is fun.
Parents seem to like that, because when they do come back, then they grow up not being afraid of the dentist. Whereas if I force them to do something the first time, well they’re not going to want to come back. And I can’t blame them.
Here are those 9 Secrets that I had promised you!
- Begin cleaning your baby’s mouth with a clean guaze pad the first week the child is brought home from the hospital. Although most babies don’t have any teeth until about six months of age, a daily cleaning in infancy will get your child accustomed to the process, and ensure clean and healthy gums when the teeth do come in.
- By starting early, your baby is more likely to accept your cleaning her/his teeth later, when it is necessary to prevent tooth decay. Incorporate a toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste into the routine by the time your child reaches 18 months, or at the time his/her first molars come in.
- Your child’s first visit to the dentist should be by the age of 3. Although baby teeth will eventually fall out, they are very important to your child’s dental development. That is because the muscles of his/her mouth and jaw form around the foundation laid by his/her first set of teeth. The dentist can make sure your child’s dental development is proceeding normally with checkups every six months thereafter.
- Make sure your child gets the benefits of the latest in cavity prevention, including fluorides and sealants. Fluoride supplements are generally prescribed if you have well water or have a child that drinks a lot of soda.
- Do not give your child a bottle at night with juice or milk! If your child must have a bottle at bedtime, use water or a pacifier.
- If your child uses a pacifier, don’t dip it in any sweetener. Some dentists have taught this in the past and it is not a good idea!
- You need to help a child under age 6 years old do the brushing. Studies show that children under 6 do not have the dexterity to do a good job. One great strategy if you have a child who likes to do everything on their own, is to let them do it first on their won. Then say that it’s mommy or daddy’s turn. I know that there are children who will fight you on brushing. No easy answer on how to do it.
- Finally, the most important thing to realize is that kids learn the behavior they observe. So, the reality is your dental health is just as important as your kid’s. When was the last time you had your dental check up and cleaning?
I hope this report has been very educational and helpful.
Also, Here are just some of the ways we make you feel comfortable :
1. We will walk you through the entire procedure to make sure you know what’s going to happen.
2. We will tell you what to expect in terms of freezing – which a lot of people are most anxious about.
3. laughing gas is available if so desired to help you relax
4. We encourage you to bring an mp3 player to listen to your favourite music.
5. Finally, if you are very anxious, then we may prescribe a sedative.