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Frequently Asked Questions About Teeth Bridges
Are You Sick and Tired of Trying not to Show that Gap in Your Tooth?
Most people have gaps in their teeth but if it is a small gap then they may not be entirely conscious of it. If you have a space where a tooth used to be though then you may be one of those people that go around trying not to open your mouth so that people will not stare.
Did you know that there is a solution though? Bridges, or fixed partial dentures as they are otherwise known, are ideal solutions for this particular problem. If you have yet to hear of them then you are not on your own because they do not tend to be used that often anymore with the advent of implants but bridges may still be a good option for you.
Before you discount them out of hand or decide to go for them, you need to know all about them to make an informed decision. Think of this special report as a consumer report for cosmetic dentistry – should you choose the bridge or not? Everything you need to know is below for you.
What is a Bridge?
A bridge is effectively a false tooth that is joined permanently to the teeth either side of a gap. For the most part, a bridge is actually made in a lab and then fitted by a dentist but in some cases it is possible for the dentist to create it out of composite resin on site. Sound complicated? Well it is but you do not have to worry about that in the slightest.
Think of a bridge as just that – a cosmetic procedure to bridge the gaps between two teeth! Before you consider the opting properly though, you might want to just take a look at the five points below because you need to know the answers before diving in head first.
#1 – How much do Bridges Cost?
This is literally the $64,000 question because there is no standard answer. A dentist can charge whatever he or she likes for a bridge because of the level of work that will go into it. On top of the dentist fees, you may have lab fees for making the bridge, follow up treatment to double check the fit and consultation fees as well.
Sound like it is going to cost a fortune? Overall, the smile you want may be as little as $200 a month with 0% interest payment plans for a bridge. So whether the total is $800-$3500, your dentist can work with you on flexible payment plans. Think about how long your veneers will last for and how much use you will get out of them as a result.
#2 – Am I a Suitable Candidate for a Bridge?
You may or may not be a suitable candidate because the criteria are actually quite complex. Providing that your teeth are healthy, your bone structure is good and the root system and support a bridge, there is no reason why you cannot have a bridge.
You may find that your dentist tells you that he or she will have to do some work on your existing teeth to ensure the bridge can fit. Just be prepared for that because it means that you meet the other criteria and can have a bridge if you agree. If he or she says no, on the other hand, trust them because there is a very good reason for it.
#3 – The Reasons Why a Bridge is Essential
Although a bridge is an opt in cosmetic procedure and you do not have to have one in any way, it is advisable if you do for a number of reasons. For starters, your teeth will continue to move around your mouth until they are taken out. As a result of the changes to the tissue, teeth do move. Gaps close or open. As a result, having something in place to fill that gap is a must. It also helps you to maintain the health of your jaw.
Having a gap in your teeth can change your bite, put stress on the teeth either side and cause compaction of food remnants, or the build up of the pieces of food that usually get stuck between your teeth. This can cause infection and lead into a huge vicious circle. Not to sound too dramatic, of course, a bridge can help you to avoid all of this.
#4 – Can Bridges go Wrong?
There are actually very few things that can go wrong with a bridge. If it will not fit in the gap then all you have to do is have it altered. Once made, it is unlikely to crack or chip unless you receive a blow to the face. There really is very little that can happen to jeopardize the process.
You might want to note that a bridge may feel a little strange for a while but it will soon fit into your mouth as if it has always been there so have a little patience.
#5 – Should I Opt for a Fixed or Permanent Bridge?
Whether you choose a fixed or permanent bridge is your choice. The latter is fitted directly into your mouth and cannot be removed when it is in… Unless your dentist takes it out of course, but even that is a tedious process that is more hassle for you than it is worth given the cost and effort required. The former is generally fitted in with a wire that allows you to remove it if you so wish.
Most people have permanent bridges because it is easier and it tends to look better. However, if you are an athlete or have a profession that you need to remove such cosmetic fixtures for then a fixed bridge would be a better idea.
In conclusion, bridges are pretty straightforward for you. The concept behind bridges is simple – replacing a tooth with a fixture that holds the gap and looks fantastic. Just make sure that you know what it s going to cost you in advance.